Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Acoustic and noise control, Aerospace engineering, Applied mechanics, Automotive engineering, Biomechanics, CAD CAM, Decision analysis and methods, Computational mechanics, Dynamic and vibration, Energy Conversion, Engineering economy and cost analysis, Human factors/ergonomics, Internal Combustion Engine, Machining and machine design, Manufacturing and production process, Manufacturing system and simulation, Mechanical design, Mechanics of materials, Operations research, Production planning and control, Project management, Quality control and management, Reliability and maintenance engineering, Robotics, Safety, security, and risk management, Supply chain engineering, Systems modelling and simulation, Technology and knowledge management, and Tribology.
Commite :
Coordinator : Opik Taufik Kurahman
Co-Coordinator : Agus Salim
Contact Person : Opik Taufik Kurahman
[email protected]